Book by Chris Brogan

At an event in Austin, Texas, Chris and Julien were the lunch speakers in the world of Marketing (the meeting was sponsored by the AMA). However, we asked Julien and Chris to focus on the topic Trust Agency for the Entrepreneur, within the environment of Small Business Ownership and success.

As you will hear from this shorter podcast episode, some key differentiators that can help the small business owner to get exposure and notoriety were:

- being different and unexpected (in a relevant and tasteful manner);

- planning the human interactive strategy of using social media tools (such as twitter, etc.);

- networking in a humanistic way without business cards.

The latter suggestion can best be served by a true case-in-point:

When I first met Julien Smith prior to the luncheon, I did not whip out a business card and start talking about my business or my entrepreneurship. Instead, we focused on two items– (1) His book (because I asked him to sign my copy); and (2) I had started a conversation at the bar about a drink (Old Fashion) that has gained notoriety because it is on a current TV series (MadMen). Since Julien had never tried one, I offered to him the one I had just ordered. That immediately set in motion a humanistic relationship model where we forgot about business for a few moments and we both earned the trust and respect for each other. And, yes, later on, I did give Julien one of my business cards–after he asked for it.

Julien Smith and Chris Brogan Note: in this brief interview, we had some ambient noise in the background, as we recorded this after the luncheon in the same dining area. Please forgive this background sound.

As both Chris and Julien had to depart to the airport literally within minutes, we recorded this discussion in a mobile manner and before they had to be shuttled to catch their flight. Thus, you may sense the feeling that we were a bit hurried. We thank Chris and Julien for their time and contribution.

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